Once I decided to specialize in locally made items I had to find them! My next-door neighbor is pretty famous for her peanut brittle (and truffles, fudge, turtles, etc) – so I started there.  She has her goodies in a number of local stores and was happy to let me be included among them so […]

All right – if I’m going to make my own job – what’s it going to be? There’s a cute little “old west” looking strip mall on the highway about a mile from my house.  I know the owner and he had a couple of vacant spaces.   So that took care of the “where”. In […]

I’ve had a variety of jobs over the course of my life.  I was even a partner is a very successful wholesale distribution company for 20 years.  But when the economy tanked – so did that business.  I felt too young to be “retired”.  I thought I’d get another job.  I’d never had any trouble […]